About Us
About Us
Ric Baldoni owned a mechanical company called Wasteage Systems Inc. The company specialized in wastewater removal and septic system installation utilizing fiberglass tanks. Due to Ric’s talents and attention to detail, San Juan Fiberglass Pools approached Ric and asked if he was interested in sales and installation of fiberglass pools. Having been in construction his adult life, it was a perfect fit. Springfield Fiberglass Pools was born.
Ric’s Motto: “The best path is upfront honesty with the customers best interest in mind.”
Awards: 2000: Aqua Design Award, San Juan Dealer of Excellence
2001: Aqua Design Award
2002 – 2006 Watkins Dealer & Warranty Service Center in Good Standing
2004: San Juan Dealer of Excellence
2007: San Juan Dealer of Excellence