Fun Pool Games for All Ages

From therapy to exercise, swimming pools are used for lots of things. But, let’s be honest. Pools are also about fun! And, whether you’re four, forty, or four-hundred, nothing beats a relaxing summer day spent playing some pool games. At a loss as to what to play? Consider these simple games, which are fun for both kids and kids at heart!

Hunt for Treasure

Want to send everyone scrambling (safely, of course)? If so, then go on a little treasure hunt. Assemble small, pool-safe objects, such as diving rings, small toys, and more. Have one person place the items around and in the pool while everyone else turns around or covers their eyes. Once the simple setup is complete, everyone can go on a fun hunt to see who can collect the most objects. You might even want to come up with a prize for the winner. But, beware, this game is addictive, and many rounds are sure to be played. So, stock up on those prizes!

The One-Breath Challenge

This game is super simple and it’s safe too, as long as it’s carefully supervised. The idea is simple. Have every participant line up at one end of the pool. On the count of three, everyone should take the biggest breath in that they can. Then, without letting that breath out, race to the other end of the pool. Whoever gets there first without blowing out is the winner!

Hula Hoop Fun

You won’t believe how much fun a hula hoop or two can add to your pool! Kids will love swimming through the hoops, which can be held underwater by a grown-up. Likewise, diving or jumping through hoops can equal fun too. And, if you’ve never had an in-the-water hula hooping contest, do it today. It’s a blast and is sure to elicit plenty of laughter and bonding among your crew.

As you can see, there are all kinds of ways to make your pool even more fun than it already is. Try out these ideas and/or come up with some of your own. The more creative and adventurous you are, the more fun you’re sure to have!


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