A Pool that Cleans Itself

If you’re in the market for a pool, you’ve probably heard of self-cleaning pools. You may have wondered “is that really possible?” Or, maybe you thought it sounded too good to be true. Well, believe it or not, these pools do exist. They work via small cleaning devices installed in the floor of the pool. They come up out of the floor, spray away grime and dirt, and direct it toward the drain, only to pop back into place when done. As you can imagine, this type of in-floor system can be costly to install, but there are certainly some benefits to be had.

Easier Maintenance

One of the main reasons people love self-cleaning pools is because they handle the tough work of cleaning all on their own. All you have to do is empty your skimmer basket or clean your pool filter from time to time. That’s a whole lot better than scrubbing at stubborn stains or manually fishing out leaves and debris.

Effective Mixing

In-floor pool cleaners spray filtered water as they clean. However, they also aid in better water circulation. This can help to keep your pool at a more consistent temperature. Plus, it ensures chemicals get mixed into the water more thoroughly, allowing for more even distribution and more effective treatments.

Easy on the Eyes and Ears

A self-cleaning pool is a seamless, soundless one. There’s no need to have nets, hoses, or other pool-cleaning tools scattered in your pool area. And, even the pop-up cleaners themselves aren’t really visible when not in use. Furthermore, they’re relatively soundless as they operate. Other pool cleaning options can be unsightly, noisy, and disruptive to your peace and relaxation, while self-cleaning systems are out of sight and out of mind.

Of course, despite all the benefits of in-floor pool cleaning systems, they are still expensive. Also, they can be very hard to install once a pool is already established, and they may require costly repairs from time to time. As such, they may not be the best choice for everyone, but if you feel that the pros outweigh the cons, then by all means, opt for or upgrade to a self-cleaning pool.


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