The Truth about Cryptosporidium

Swimming pools are meant to be fun, enjoyable spaces. Unfortunately, though, they also have the power to make people sick. This is particularly true when a germ, known as cryptosporidium or crypto for short, is present in the water. Individuals who swallow water containing this germ can become ill, with diarrhea being the most common symptom, for prolonged periods. In an effort to protect yourself and your pool guests, make sure you know the facts about crypto.

How It’s Spread

Crypto is spread through the feces of infected individuals. However, a person doesn’t have to have a full-blown accident in the pool to introduce this parasite. Often, it enters when a person has a small amount of feces on their body or in their swimsuit. Unbeknownst to them, this feces and its germs could transfer into the water and potentially harm others. This is yet another reason that you should be selective about who swims in your pool and that you should require showering before entering the water.

The Power of Protection

Children can spread and contract crypto just as adults can, and it has the potential to affect them more severely. As such, monitor children in the water and discourage excessive or purposeful swallowing of the water. Also, do not allow children who are ill, especially those who have had diarrhea, to swim for at least two weeks post-recovery. Be careful that you change and dispose of diapers away from the pool area and that older children are taken to the bathroom frequently during pool time and encouraged to properly wash their hands afterwards.

Additionally, the water should be treated with chlorine or bromine and kept at a pH of 7.2 to 7.8. Pool water should be tested regularly to maintain these parameters. Water that is well-equipped to fight crypto is likely to be safe water.

Like almost anything in life, pools do carry some degree of risk. However, if you care for your pool properly and enforce sanitation standards for every pool user every time, you can greatly reduce the risk of parasites invading your pool.


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