Can You Leave Your Pool Open All Year?
Can You Leave Your Pool Open All Year?
Buying a pool is a major investment. And, likewise, maintaining a pool requires a big investment of your time, energy, and effort. As such, it’s no surprise that people commonly wonder if they can just leave their pools open all year round. If they’re lucky enough to live somewhere that doesn’t see harsh winters, they may want to use it throughout the year. Or, it may just be that they view closing the pool and then opening it back up again come spring or summer as too much work. Whatever the case may be, if you’re considering this option, know that, in most cases, you can actually leave your pool open year-round, though there are definitely some cons to doing so.
Energy Costs
Keeping your pool open all year means that your energy costs are likely to go up, especially if you don’t have a low speed, energy conserving pump installed. As such, if you opt to keep your pool open, be prepared to spend more money on electricity. Also, this may not be the best choice if you’re trying to be more “green” or environmentally-conscious since all that energy may go toward maintaining a pool that no one is using.
Potential Damage
It’s not uncommon for people to lose power during the fall, spring, or winter. Snowstorms, hurricanes, and other events can easily lead to an electrical outage, which can spell big trouble for your pool if it’s cold enough outside. The water in the pipes and filter can easily freeze if this happens, causing serious and costly damage. If you think there’s a chance you could lose power when it’s cold and you still want to keep your pool open, have some kind of backup plan firmly in place to protect your pool.
Ultimately, only you can decide if keeping your pool open year-round is right for you. Think about why you want to do it, the potential benefits, and whether or not they outweigh the negatives. That, plus speaking with a qualified pool professional, should help you to make a wise, informed decision about what to do.