What Size Pool Do You Want?

When it comes to buying a fiberglass pool, you have many different options to choose from. These pools come in different shapes and styles and, sometimes, even with built-in features of your choice. However, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is about the size of your swimming pool.

Larger Pools

Fiberglass pools can be made in larger sizes. However, due to the fact that the pool shells have to travel on the highways, they’re not typically too big. Thus, don’t expect to find many pools that are larger than 16 feet by 40 feet or so. Occasionally, you may be able to find a slightly bigger shell. But, ask yourself, do you really need one, and is it worth the hassle involved in transport? While most people are just fine with a pool in the normal range, others will want to push the limits. And, that’s fine if you’re one of them. By all means, get what you want! Just make sure you really want it first.

Smaller Pools

What about when you desire a smaller pool? Believe it or not, compact pools are becoming increasingly common. You can get a pool as small as 10 feet by 20 feet! And, what’s more is that, even with small pools, you can still customize the size and style of the pool. While a small pool won’t work for everyone, for many people, such as those with smaller families or yards or who just want a place to sit, relax, and splash at the end of a long day, it’s a perfect, affordable solution.

As you can see, fiberglass pools are all about customization and making the customer happy. Thus, whether you want a large pool, a small pool, or an in-between pool, all you have to do is start shopping! Find the pool and pool size that best suits you. From there, you can place an order and, before you know it, you’ll be enjoying your perfectly-sized pool!


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