Tips For A Safe, Kid-Friendly Pool Party
Are you thinking of throwing a pool party for the kids? If so, be prepared to get treated like the coolest parent on the planet. However, even cool parents need to keep their kids and their kids’ guests safe. Fortunately, that’s easy to do if you can keep a few helpful planning and preparation tips in mind.
Tip #1: Enforce A No Running Rule
First things first, before anyone heads to the pool, lay down some ground rules. In particular, make it clear that you absolutely will not tolerate running in or around the pool area. Explain to the kids why. Let them know this behavior could be dangerous and that they might hurt themselves. If you’re open and honest with kids, they’ll often respond quite well. Of course, you’ll still need to keep a watchful eye on them, but you’ll likely be surprised at how many listen to you.
Tip #2: Do Some Pre-Party Cleaning
A day or so before party day, make sure to clean your pool thoroughly. Check the chemical levels and get everything properly balanced. That way, you won’t have to worry about anyone getting sick from swimming in your pool. Plus, your pool is less likely to suffer serious fallout from having such a heavy swimming load if it’s squeaky clean to start with. Just prepare to repeat the cleaning process soon after the party, especially if it has a lot of attendees.
Tip #3: Be On The Lookout For Bad Behavior
As a final tip, pay close attention to the kids the whole time they’re in or even around the pool area. Even better yet, have a friend or family member help you. Don’t keep the children from having fun, but do stop bad behavior in its tracks. Things like playing that’s too rough, dunking, or unsafe diving should all be nipped in the bud immediately. Best of all, if you catch and call out one kid for bad behavior, there’s less of a risk of others repeating it.
It’s no secret that children love the water, and they dearly love a pool party too. Let them have their fun, at least every once in a while. Just act as a responsible pool owner and work diligently to keep everyone safe. That way, your pool can continue to be a source of joy for you and the little ones in your life.